The Enlightening Soul with Shelley Young

#11 | It is All Up to You

Shelley Young Episode 11

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Acceptance means you are willing to see where your soul wants to take you. It may mean that you have something to clear up before you can proceed in a truly satisfying way. By being curious instead of resistant, you can shift into the energy of discovery and find what you need to shift to get back into forward movement. It is never the exploration itself that is painful, it is the resistance to the redirection that creates deep discomfort. The good news is you get to decide how long you stay engaged in what isn't working and when you wish to let go of that and try a different approach. It is all up to you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


One of the themes that seems to be coming up a lot is people finding themselves in resistance and having trouble shifting into acceptance. I get it, it can be hard to do sometimes! But acceptance really is the way of the new energies and learning the skill of how to shift out of resistance is helpful in so many ways. During this one hour online zoom event we will explore how to shift out of:

Resistance to circumstances in your own life.
Resistance to growth, healing, or feeling.
Resistance to changing energies.
Resistance to where your soul is trying to lead you.
Resistance to how other people are living their lives.
Resistance to world events.

There will be a talk that will include channeled information from Gabriel, a meditation, and a Q and A. The cost to attend is $33 USD. There will be a replay available so no worries if you can’t attend live on Tuesday July 18 at 6:30 pm eastern. If you aren’t able to make the live event and have a question you would like to ask, you can submit it to me ahead of time at You can sign up through the link below. I look forward to connecting with you and anchoring the much better feeling energies of acceptance with you!

Music used with permission and written by: Carol Dinalo Hall

Podcast produced by Cottonwood Stone -

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