The Enlightening Soul with Shelley Young
Offering information, guidance, and encouragement for those on their spiritual journey.
The Enlightening Soul with Shelley Young
#17 | Do You Practice Inclusion for All Aspects of Self?
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You might think of the process of healing separation as starting to bring aspects that have been denied back into the fold. Do you hold love for yourself or are you perpetually rejecting yourself? Do you deny the human part of you and try to just embrace the spiritual part of you? Do you dismiss your own wisdom or inner knowing in order to please another? Do you put aside your own hopes and dreams until later because others might not agree with them?
Recognizing the ways you reject, abandon, neglect, or dismiss your truth is absolutely essential before you can move into the embodiment of your own wisdom, beauty, and power. As you begin to embrace and accept all aspects of you, you create the foundation for your own empowerment, and begin anchoring the energy of unity consciousness and unconditional love. When you begin to experience yourself as whole, what you create becomes much more aligned to the truth of you.
So we highly recommend the next time you brush yourself aside you stop for a moment and instead decide to honour and love whatever part of you that was looking for their right to be heard and acknowledged. You just might be surprised at how profound the healing can be just by practicing inclusion for yourself. From there you will be much better able to also practice inclusion with your truest preferences and your life will shift in truly remarkable ways. As always, it all begins within and from there all else becomes possible. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Music used with permission and written by: Carol Dinalo Hall
Podcast produced by Cottonwood Stone - www.CottonwoodStone.com